Waiting for other people
Are you ready to read the next exciting installment on how Annard survives on his boat? It took him more than a week to get to the point of writing it, so it must be an awfully a.w.e.s.o.m.e episode!
Over a week ago in a wet country far, far out in the western parts of Scotland, a young sailor was getting pretty depressed. All the plans he had made over the last few months had gone to the bottom of the sea except his boat. Furthermore he had been dependent on a lot of people during that process in order to try to make progress. After the last news regarding the engine, he had had it for a while.
Last week started full of resolution: a list of points to take care of. To begin with finding some local work. He had found a job ad for a computer science tutor at the Argyll College and had applied for the job. But after two weeks no confirmation was received.
This is a bit odd
he thought
A call was made
Hope did not fade
No eligible candidate was found
But neither had his application come round
Another one was sent
Off it went
But to land on another queue
For the holiday the responsible person was due
And so we wait
Patience in western Scotland being a required trait
With that out of the way, let’s throw the engine repair in the sway! But there as well, no response came forth. Frustration mounts, depression grows.
At the end of the week, what we feared came true. No way can we put the boat ashore. So, in the water at Dunstaffnage she stays until the end of March. What happens during and then, we don’t know. Will the sailor stay on board? That is also an unknown unknown, it depends on work. Even though he has internet on board, working at the table is not the most comfortable position:
Nor at the Wide Mouthed Frog where the tables are not very comfortable. But he did make a nice poster for a charity event they are organising:
And where will he find work? And what kind of work? And where will he work? So many questions? What is going to happen to our hapless sailor? Stay tuned for the next installment…